18 October 2023
World Menopause Day comment
Debra Clark, head of wellbeing, Towergate Employee Benefits, says:
“While menopause is now being discussed more openly in the workplace, more could be done to introduce specific support. The education route – making employees aware of the symptoms and issues associated with menopause - can be a good starting point. It is important however, for employers to also consider including younger women and men, who may not be directly affected by menopause, in any communication or educational sessions so that they have a greater understanding and can be more supportive of colleagues.
“Forward-thinking companies not only educate but also pro-actively support their staff. The guidance and options available are expanding. Support is available via many health and protection programmes, mental health support services and employee assistance programmes for the psychological and emotional impact which can be associated with menopause. Signposting to specialist support is an important aspect, as is help with navigating the NHS. Specific symptoms or effects of the menopause may need addressing, for example, cardiovascular changes associated with the menopause1, where screening might be appropriate.
“The number of specialist providers is increasing and more mainstream health insurers also now offer support for the menopause and menstrual health. We would encourage employers to talk to an adviser who can give guidance on the latest developments and the most appropriate options for support in their organisation.”