
Delivering customised health and wellbeing choices for you

Health and wellbeing solutions as individual as you are

With so many different options on the market, choosing products that meet your healthcare and protection needs can be a little confusing at times. That’s where the experts at our sister company, Usay Compare*, can help.

Usay Compare, who have a have a 5-star Trustpilot rating, remove the hassle and confusion from comparing policies. With access to the leading insurers and a team of friendly, expert advisers, they are here to make cost-effective private medical care, straightforward and accessible.

Get in touch

* Usay Compare and Health Insurance Compare are trading styles of Usay Business Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, reference number: 478676. Usay Business Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Private medical insurance

We can all get sick or injured at some point in our lives which can lead to appointments with doctors and specialists – but with private medical insurance you can avoid waiting lengthy periods of time to be seen.

You’ll also have more choice with appointment times, meaning you can fit in a time to suit your life and work commitments.

Private medical insurance can offer peace of mind, high quality treatment settings, private hospital rooms and more control over which consultant and which hospital you are treated by.

Income protection / critical illness

Worry about how to pay the mortgage and bills is among the biggest concerns people have after becoming seriously ill or needing time off to recover from an injury. Most company sick pay schemes don’t pay out for very long so it can become a big worry. For those who run their own business the risks are even greater, as there is no-one else to rely on to cover the bills. Income protection and critical illness cover can provide peace of mind and vital protection in the event of illness or injury.

Income protection cover

Income protection cover works by paying you a monthly income to cover your mortgage and bills until you are able to go back to work.

Critical illness cover

Critical illness policies provide a lump sum when you are diagnosed with a serious illness which can be used to cover medical care, giving you and your family some peace of mind when you need it most.

Life insurance

It's only natural to worry about what would happen to your partner or your family if you weren't around anymore. With life insurance you can take steps to make things easier for them if the worst ever did happen.

Protecting your dependants

Life insurance pays out a tax-free lump sum if you die, which could be used by your loved ones to pay off a mortgage or bills, or put towards your children’s education costs.

There are several types of life insurance policy so Usay Compare’s expert advisers will discuss your needs and source the right solution for you.