
We are authorised and regulated as an intermediary with the UK Financial Conduct Authority and on occasions place insurance products on a non admitted basis in various jurisdictions. This means that we are not subject to local regulation and you will not have the benefit of using the local regulator to deal with any disputes that may arise with us. As we have placed your product on a non admitted basis you may not have the benefit of using the dispute resolution facility under the Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS). You are entitled to seek advice from a local licensed agent should you wish to.

Website Disclaimer

The information on this website has been prepared by Towergate Health & Protection in good faith based on our knowledge and experience of the market. The information has been prepared with the intention of providing and exploring appropriate products and services for UK and international health insurance risk coverage. The information and content of this website is designed and intended to provide the reader with a general overview. Information is published on a general basis for information only and no liability is accepted for errors of fact or opinion it may contain.  Professional advice should always be obtained before applying the information to particular circumstances. Please also note that we do not provide care or guarantee access to health services as an insurance intermediary. Please see the products and policy terms for a complete description of benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage.