14 July 2021
Towergate Employee Benefits partners with CBT Clinics to offer mental health training in the workplace
Line managers are at the heart of any company. They are the closest in understanding the needs and stressors of their direct team and are in a vital position to be able to help employees cope with mental health challenges before they escalate. This depends, however, on managers having the skills in place to identify problems and to be able to offer support.
With poor mental health costing UK employers £42bn – £45bn each year1 Towergate Employee Benefits has teamed up with CBT Clinics to help its clients access high quality training programmes for line managers and employees, to help improve mental health in the workplace.
Learning to identify the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems is crucial, particularly within the workplace. Mental health training helps mangers to do this for themselves and for their staff, and it then enables them to provide appropriate support.
The training includes:
• Managing the mental health impact of Covid-19 in the workplace
• Stress and resilience
• Mindfulness
• Leading through change/change management
• Managing mental health in the workplace
The focus is on the prevent, detect, and treat model, which is designed to improve mental wellbeing and drive up performance and productivity.
Brett Hill, Distribution Director at Towergate Employee Benefits explains: “Training managers means that they can learn how best to deal with stressful situations themselves, and also how to support their team through difficult times. Skills like resilience can be learnt, they are not a state of mind. So mental health training can have a very positive impact which can be particularly useful in a work environment.”
Return on investment
Supporting mental health in the workplace has been proven to support bottom-line profit. According to research, the mental health programmes yielding the biggest returns include screening to provide targeted, early-stage support and high-quality training, both universally and to small groups, so companies should definitely consider such support. Awareness raising can provide a return on investment of £5 for every £1 invested, and proactive training provides a high average return of £6 for every £1 invested.2
Enhanced proposition
Towergate Employee Benefits is continually enhancing its proposition to offer the widest possible range of services. This new partnership with CBT Clinics enables Towergate Employee Benefits clients to access a wide choice of counselling and now mental health training too.
CBT Clinics delivers over 350 training sessions each year and treats more than 25,000 employees annually. It has 4,500 clinical venues and 3,000 network clinicians.
Brett Hill says: “We are pleased to be able to add another new service to support our customers. Mental health training is a growing area and one from which we feel businesses of all sizes can really benefit.”
1. Deloitte, Mental health and employers: Refreshing the case for investment, January 2020.
2. Deloitte, Mental health and employers: The case for investment, October 2017