20 May 2020
Employers of global staff need to adapt to different pandemic recovery strategies
Whilst we are still amidst the pandemic, comparisons are already being drawn between the success rates of how different countries have managed the Covid-19 outbreak. Some countries are easing lockdown restrictions, whilst others maintain rigid constraints. It is important that organisations with an international workforce keep abreast of changes globally, via reputable sources such as the World Health Organisation and local governments, to ensure that both their staff and business reputation are adequately protected.
Sarah Dennis, Head of International at Towergate Employee Benefits said: “There are significant variations globally in how different countries are managing Coronavirus, and businesses with a global workforce need to be aware that staff in different countries may need to follow varying guidance.”
Same virus, different reaction
Different countries around the globe have taken different approaches to dealing with the pandemic, and they’re also taking different approaches as they come out of lockdown.
Sweden took a relaxed approach to lockdown measures, keeping schools for under-16s open and allowing pubs and restaurants to remain open.1 Whereas in certain regions of Colombia, people were only allowed outside on particular days, in accordance with numbers on their national identity cards. Spain finally allowed children to play outside after a six-week lockdown, making headlines worldwide.2 Keeping on top of developments globally is important if businesses are to advise their staff correctly to support their health and wellbeing.
Staggered approach
Where lockdown restrictions are being lifted, it is being done so gradually, and businesses need to understand the terms and conditions according to different countries that have been set by authorities in local regions, keeping on top of guidance issued from each region. For example, France allowed construction to resume in April, but still encouraged other industries to work from home where possible.3 In Germany, restrictions were lifted – with small shops and secondary schools reopening in early May, but wearing masks was made mandatory on public transport and in shops in most regions.4 Other countries, such as Singapore and Australia, are using contact-tracing, to keep on top of Covid-19 numbers – helping to control the spread of the virus.5
Up-to-date information
Employers with a global workforce need to keep up to date with country-specific changes related to Coronavirus. In the UK, we’re accustomed to the Government providing a daily briefing to the public, with the latest announcement about Coronavirus management. Other countries have used similar ways to brief their countries, and it’s important that employers access the most accurate and relevant information country to country, from reputable sources such as local governments and the World Health Organisation. This can also help quash any misinformation from rumour mills, and give employees peace of mind that they’re following the correct guidance.
Sarah Dennis concludes: “The news is awash with how different countries are managing the pandemic and if staff are to comply with local guidance, it’s important they follow advice from reputable sources.”
1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-52109792
2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-52436420/coronavirus-spain-eases-lockdown-measures-to-allow-children-outside
3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8264757/Joggers-hit-streets-Naples-Europe-continues-relax-coronavirus-lockdown.html
4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52439926
5. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-28/coronavirus-covid19-contact-tracing-apps-around-the-world/12189438