23 March 2020
Coronavirus: a message from our CEO
The last few weeks have been difficult for everyone and I would like to start by wishing good health for you, your colleagues and loved ones. During this time, we have remained focused on the needs of our customers and we are working hard to maintain our service to you through the current Coronavirus outbreak.
An overview of the packages that the UK government has announced to support businesses through this period of disruption can be found here.
While the scale and impact of the current outbreak remains unknown, we are well prepared for any further changes in the advice from the government that might impact upon our business, and our ability to support all our customers through this unprecedented period of uncertainty.
We have plans in place to ensure that we can continue to serve the needs of our customers without interruption, while protecting the health and safety of our colleagues and our other stakeholders.
Many of our colleagues who normally work in our offices have now moved to home working, with IT systems and telephony systems in place to enable our colleagues to stay in touch with you as usual.
Some of our consultants who normally work in our offices may soon be using a temporary telephone number whilst working from home. If this applies to your consultant they will be in touch with you directly to confirm their new and hopefully temporary contact details.
Please rest assured that even while working from home, robust measures are in place to keep all our IT systems, and your information, safe and secure.
In line with government advice, our colleagues who remain in the office have been spread out to minimise social contact. We and our teams continue to take a vigilant approach and have put in place enhanced cleaning protocols in our premises.
The extent to which Coronavirus has disrupted day-to-day life has meant that we, like all businesses, have had to adapt quickly to a rapidly evolving situation. Our absolute priority is to maintain a high level of service to you, while following government advice on risk management best practice.
As some of our team get used to working in new ways or from different locations we would ask customers to contact us by email where possible, but be assured that if you need to speak with one of our team we will be here for you.
We are also in frequent contact with your insurance companies across the market and will be communicating any helpful changes and special measures they put in place during this period.
As this situation is changing almost hourly, we are keeping ourselves updated on every new development and will of course, communicate further with you if we need to make any more adaptations to the way we run our business.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can provide further support for you or your colleagues.
Kind regards,
Iain Laws,